Activities for our Proteges 


The PITCHES program is a planned program of activities for our program year which begins in July and ends the following June. 

PITCHES means Proteges Interacting Through Culture, History and Employment Success.


Here is a list of just some of the activities we have provided for our proteges in recent years. 


July - Family Picnic for Board Members, Mentors and Proteges and their families.


August - Wyomissing Family Restaurant dinner with speaker and door prizes.


September - Mentor Training 101 at Alvernia's Upland Center.  Mentor Training for OnTrack college preparedness.


October - M4BY Dinner & Auction celebrating our proteges and honoring our Champion For Youth


November -  Legends of Zelda concert by the Reading Pops orchestra.


December -  T.B.D.


January - This is National Mentoring Month.  Become a Mentor; make a difference in the life of a Berks County Youth.  Training session T.B.D.; Bowling event


February -  Enjoy a time of indoor recreaction and fun at a Reading Royals Game!


March Attend an Etiquette Dinner to learn from a professional Business Etiquette instructor  the ins and outs of hand shakes, introductions, name tags and, of course, fine dining.


April - Reading Phillies Game


May - Attend our annual Recognition Dinner where we will celebrate the year we've spent together and acknowledge graduating seniors.


June - Annual regional bus trip to Philadelphia, Baltimore to see Fort McGenry and the National Aquarium.  Perhaps Washington D.C. or Gettysburg this year.


Board of Directors Meetings

Our board meets the fourth Thursday of each month in the Upland Center, 540 Upland Ave, Alvernia University.  We meet at 5:45 in Room 103 just to the right of the lobby.  Visitors are always welcome.

Want to Become a Mentor?

Please call our Executive

Director, Chris Sinclair

at: 484-273-2081

or fill out our contact form.


Mentors For Berks Youth

P.O. Box 791

Shillington, PA  19607


Details for this year's bus trip now available on the News & Event page.


Purchase tickets to select Santander Arena and Santander Performing Arts Center Events and a portion of the proceeds will be donated to M4BY.

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